If you have an overdue student loan, years of high credit card balances, collections, then you probably know that you are under the radar of bad credit. With poor credit, you may not be able to get approved for new credit products like credit cards. Which means your dream of buying a new car or a house may remain in your dreams. At such time some credit repair companies may entice you to fix your credit in no time. But, don’t fall for scams promising easy, overnight credit repair. If you want to fix your poor credit, you can do it yourself or could take help from an established credit repair expert . Here are five steps towards building better credit that you can do yourself: Know where you stand Before you start this mission of credit repair, get copies of your full credit reports from all three bureaus- Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. You can get your reports free once a year. Other websites may claim to offer free reports but don’t depend on them as they are oft...
RL Kramer is the best credit repair consultant in whitefish. My passion & willingness to be accessible to my clients have helped countless people repair & improve their credit scores and maintain a healthy financial lifestyle for nearly 35 years.